:uglyhamme Just laughing.
Tristanclif, I know you live stealthy in the Scawen's balls, so you know everything he is doing, even what he thinks, what he plans, and probably what he eats and what he shits...
You know everything. Sorry when we disagreed with you before.
(You just don't know what means SIMULATIONS, but that is not important...forget about it)
Well, I'm brazilian, that people who are always here whining, complaining...
That is because we are waiting for the carnaval, you know, we have nothing to do until there, so, why do not disturb the well deserved dev's rest...
PSSSSS! Devs working... c'mon... let's keep the noise low people, c'mon.
We just like to flame all foruns. We go forum by forum, opening threads like this one, just to complain, and perhaps cause a big irritation in the devs nerves...
We don't like LFS. In fact we HATE LFS... Yes... it's true, believe me.
We hate so much, maybe more than we hate SIMULATION!!!
We love NFS.
NO!!! STOP!!! I said NFS???
Yes, we love it. NFS means: Never a ****ing Simulator!
Cause that we love it so much!
And of course NFSU too: Never a ****ing Simulator Understood???
We hate LFS, so we come here to disturb, not to help.
Oh My F. Good... now I know we are wrong.
What are we doing brazilians whiners???
We are pointing the fails.:monkey2: We are monkeys... brazilian monkeys...
tsc tsc... we are helping the Devs pointing the fails... this will help the game to be improved...
No...forget everything. Now we LOVE this game!
YES, YES!!! We love the way the things are done, we love the 80% time without bug*, and we love high nose formula cars.
WE LOVE ALL THAT!!! Keep the game as it is, and go cooking!
(pssss... talk low... acting like that we'll blind the devs and they will not change anything anymore... and we will finally win! Yeahhhh! the stupid ****ing monkeys will win! My God, I'm so happy

*a recent research from Tristanclif laboratories, after 8 months of exhaustive stressing tests, the result of grip fails has be appointed as a not important, but a funny (yes funny) feature that appears just around 20% of the race time. The users are unhappy cause they want more fun, so they are asking for a new patch to improve that to at least 50%.